How to Use Jupyter Notebook for Data Science

Are you looking for a powerful tool to help you with your data science projects? Look no further than Jupyter Notebook! This open-source web application allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. In this article, we'll explore how to use Jupyter Notebook for data science, from installation to model deployment in the cloud.

Installing Jupyter Notebook

Before we dive into the exciting world of Jupyter Notebook, we need to install it. There are several ways to do this, but we'll focus on the most common method: using Anaconda.

Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. It includes Jupyter Notebook as well as many other useful tools and libraries.

To install Anaconda, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Anaconda download page and choose the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  3. Once installed, open the Anaconda Navigator and launch Jupyter Notebook.

Congratulations! You've installed Jupyter Notebook and are ready to start using it for data science.

Creating a New Notebook

When you first launch Jupyter Notebook, you'll see a dashboard that shows your current working directory and any existing notebooks. To create a new notebook, click on the "New" button in the top right corner and select "Python 3" (or any other kernel you want to use).

This will open a new notebook with an empty cell. You can start typing Python code directly into the cell and execute it by pressing "Shift + Enter". Try it out by typing print("Hello, world!") into the cell and executing it.

Using Markdown

In addition to executing code, Jupyter Notebook also supports Markdown, a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text and add headings, lists, links, images, and more.

To create a Markdown cell, click on the "+" button in the toolbar and select "Markdown" from the dropdown menu. You can then type your Markdown text directly into the cell.

For example, you can create a heading by typing # My Heading or a list by typing:

- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

You can also add links by typing [link text](URL) or images by typing ![alt text](image URL).

Markdown is a powerful tool for creating well-formatted and easy-to-read notebooks. Make sure to use it to your advantage!

Importing Libraries

One of the main benefits of using Jupyter Notebook for data science is the ability to import and use libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn.

To import a library, simply type import library_name into a code cell. For example, to import NumPy, you would type import numpy as np.

Once you've imported a library, you can use its functions and classes in your code. For example, to create a NumPy array, you would type np.array([1, 2, 3]).

Visualizing Data

Another benefit of using Jupyter Notebook for data science is the ability to create and visualize data. Matplotlib is a popular library for creating graphs and charts in Python, and it integrates seamlessly with Jupyter Notebook.

To create a simple line plot using Matplotlib, you can type the following code into a code cell:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

plt.plot(x, y)

This will create a plot of the sine function from 0 to 10.

Saving and Sharing Notebooks

Once you've created a Jupyter Notebook, you can save it by clicking on the "Save" button in the toolbar or by pressing "Ctrl + S". This will save the notebook as a .ipynb file in your current working directory.

You can also share your notebook with others by exporting it as a PDF or HTML file. To do this, click on "File" in the toolbar and select "Download as" from the dropdown menu. You can then choose the format you want to export the notebook as.

Deploying Models in the Cloud

Now that you've created a Jupyter Notebook and trained a machine learning model, you may want to deploy it in the cloud so that others can use it. There are several cloud platforms that support Jupyter Notebook, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

To deploy a Jupyter Notebook on AWS, you can use Amazon SageMaker, a fully-managed service that provides Jupyter Notebook instances and machine learning infrastructure. You can create a SageMaker notebook instance by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Amazon SageMaker console and click on "Notebook instances" in the sidebar.
  2. Click on "Create notebook instance" and choose a name and instance type.
  3. Under "Permissions and encryption", choose an IAM role that has access to the S3 bucket where your notebook and data are stored.
  4. Click on "Create notebook instance" to create the instance.

Once you've created a SageMaker notebook instance, you can upload your Jupyter Notebook and any necessary data to the instance and run it just like you would on your local machine.

To deploy a machine learning model on AWS, you can use Amazon SageMaker again. SageMaker provides several built-in algorithms as well as the ability to bring your own algorithm. You can train your model on your local machine or on a SageMaker notebook instance, and then deploy it as a SageMaker endpoint.

To deploy a Jupyter Notebook on Microsoft Azure, you can use Azure Notebooks, a free service that provides Jupyter Notebook instances in the cloud. You can create an Azure Notebook by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure Notebooks website and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  2. Click on "New project" and choose a name and runtime.
  3. Click on "Create project" to create the project.

Once you've created an Azure Notebook, you can upload your Jupyter Notebook and any necessary data to the notebook and run it just like you would on your local machine.

To deploy a machine learning model on Microsoft Azure, you can use Azure Machine Learning, a cloud-based service that provides machine learning infrastructure and tools. You can train your model on your local machine or on an Azure Notebook, and then deploy it as an Azure Machine Learning endpoint.

To deploy a Jupyter Notebook on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), you can use Google Colaboratory, a free service that provides Jupyter Notebook instances in the cloud. You can create a Colaboratory notebook by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Colaboratory website and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Click on "New notebook" to create a new notebook.

Once you've created a Colaboratory notebook, you can upload your Jupyter Notebook and any necessary data to the notebook and run it just like you would on your local machine.

To deploy a machine learning model on GCP, you can use Google Cloud AI Platform, a cloud-based service that provides machine learning infrastructure and tools. You can train your model on your local machine or on a Colaboratory notebook, and then deploy it as a Cloud AI Platform endpoint.


Jupyter Notebook is a powerful tool for data science that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. In this article, we've explored how to use Jupyter Notebook for data science, from installation to model deployment in the cloud.

By following these steps, you can create and share your own Jupyter Notebooks and deploy your machine learning models in the cloud. Happy coding!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed